Boyd Adamson wrote: (Joerg Schilling) writes:

Dennis Clarke <> wrote:

I think /opt/schily/bin/star or even the /opt/csw/bin/star is cool for me
and some others "in the know" but most folks will expect /usr/bin/star or
BTS: in my last mail I fogot to mention that does not seem
to support linked binaries (that are used for switching the CLI emulation to use).

I suspect that it can be made to work. My personal spec file for git
includes the following comment:

# the install has created $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_prefix}/bin/git and many
# (88 at last count) hardlinks to it in libexec/git-core. At the
# moment there is no way to have them preserved as hardlinks in the
# SVR4 pkg.  As a result, turn them into symlinks and use a directive
# in the %files section to turn them *back* into hard links. grr.
That's not the SVR4 packaging system. You can happily specify

   f none usr/bin/git-fetch-pack 0555 root bin
   l none usr/bin/git-add=git-fetch-pack
   l none usr/bin/git-annotate=git-fetch-pack
   l none usr/bin/git-apply=git-fetch-pack
   l none usr/bin/git-archive=git-fetch-pack

in your SVR4 package prototype. I suspect that it would be a minor change to the spec build tools to track the inodes and preserve hardlinks when generating the prototype files.

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