> > Hi,
> >
> > As most of you are probably aware, Sun is now a
> wholly-owned subsidiary
> > of Oracle.
> >
> > An initial change resulting from that acquisition
> involves updating the
> > opensolaris.org website to reflect the new
> ownership.
> >
> > Copyright text has been updated, and today the
> Oracle logo will be added
> > to the site pages.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Bonnie
> I think I may have scored the last Solaris Media Kit
> shipped as
>  "Sun Solaris" and not "Oracle Solaris" :
>     http://www.blastwave.org/dclarke/blog/?q=node/148
> etimes timing is everything.
> Onwards with regular business now :-)

I rarely do conferences, and since I'm too much of a skeptic to try
to use my minimal influence very often and thus am hardly worth
anyone kissing up to, I feel guilty about collecting swag.  So I don't
have much of such things.

One I always missed getting was the "Sun" glasses though.  Didn't look
particularly special (I recall something vaguely like MIB only clunkier),
but that was one of those catchy notions.  The yo-yos OTOH, blech.
I've got a good yo-yo somewhere with ball bearings, that makes something
that's not even a Duncan wannabe (let alone _real_ serious) seem pretty lame.

There are only two other souvenirs that I've seen people with that I ever
really envied, and neither are Sun.  One was a gorgeous cobalt blue Cray
coffee cup, and the other was the control panel of a Univac 494, with the
big rectangular (think old grade-B sci-fi movie) buttons and  I think a
mechanical digital clock in it too.  I've always been a pushover for buttons
and blinkenlights, probably why I'm gabbing here and not so much on Facebook.  
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