On 02/23/10 12:11 AM, david.co...@sun.com wrote:
I've noticed that since b132 my laptop freezes under load. Just dies
without any message other than "memory pressure, tcp defensive mode
on".  Probably short of memory. I've _only_ 1GB which used to be quite
ok for a laptop.

Are you certain it's actually frozen or just being *very* slow?  If you
started it on the command line, can you suspect the process using ^Z?

With the updated package names in build 134, there is a one-time hit in
the memory requirements for IPS going across the build upgrade.  It's
particularly worse if you've installed lots of other packages.  I would
suggest exiting the window system by opening up a terminal window and
then typing

    u...@host$ svcadm disable -t gdm

There may be some other services worth disabling on a temporary basis
but just that should help.  Then execute the "pkg image-update" from
the command line and be patient.  It should eventually finish.

Thank you for youy reply.
I'm quite sure it did freeze : the moving ticker after "Creating plan" stops, disk activity stops, no reaction whatsoever from keyboard, pressing on/off button just sops it immediately (does not trigger shutdown as normal), vmstat 3 stops, showing about 4Mb free mem. I tried it both under X (gnome-session or console) and as you suggested in text mode (using screen to follow vmstat). Unfortunately I cannot do any test now, since I installed b133 from scratch. Since I did it did not freeze under load like b132 did (even in other cases than upgrading).
I will report if it does.

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