On 02/25/10 11:18 PM, Shawn Walker wrote:
[moving to pkg-discuss]

On 02/25/10 12:09 PM, Kristin Amundsen-Cubanski wrote:

I have searched all over and I cannot find any reference to an error
like this.

We're trying to update our opensolaris server and it is getting stuck on
either indexing packages or optimizing the index in an ioctl call.  The
server is running the last OpenSolaris full release (5.11 snv_111b).

m...@myserver:~# pkg image-update -v
Creating Plan / Before evaluation:
(bunch of packages)

After evaluation:
(bunch of packages)
       restart_fmri: svc:/system/manifest-import:default
       restart_fmri: svc:/application/desktop-cache/gconf-cache:default
       restart_fmri: svc:/application/desktop-cache/icon-cache:default
DOWNLOAD PKGS FILES XFER (MB) Completed 66/66 3927/3927 119.95/119.95

PHASE                                        ACTIONS
Removal Phase                                167/167
Install Phase                                614/614
Update Phase                               6458/6458
PHASE                                          ITEMS
Reading Existing Index                           8/8
Indexing Packages                              66/66
Optimizing Index...
PHASE                                          ITEMS
Indexing Packages                            637/637

This is where it hangs.  Truss of the process shows:

ioctl(4, ZFS_IOC_OBJSET_STATS, 0x08044CD0)      Err#12 ENOMEM
ioctl(4, ZFS_IOC_OBJSET_STATS, 0x08044CD0)      = 0
ioctl(4, ZFS_IOC_OBJSET_STATS, 0x08043060)      = 0
ioctl(4, ZFS_IOC_OBJSET_STATS, 0x08043060)      Err#12 ENOMEM
ioctl(4, ZFS_IOC_OBJSET_STATS, 0x08043060)      = 0
ioctl(4, ZFS_IOC_SNAPSHOT_LIST_NEXT, 0x08043480) = 0
ioctl(4, ZFS_IOC_OBJSET_STATS, 0x08041FE0)      = 0
ioctl(4, ZFS_IOC_OBJSET_STATS, 0x08044CD0)      Err#12 ENOMEM
ioctl(4, ZFS_IOC_OBJSET_STATS, 0x08044CD0)      = 0
ioctl(4, ZFS_IOC_OBJSET_STATS, 0x08043060)      = 0
ioctl(4, ZFS_IOC_OBJSET_STATS, 0x08043060)      Err#12 ENOMEM
ioctl(4, ZFS_IOC_OBJSET_STATS, 0x08043060)      = 0
ioctl(4, ZFS_IOC_SNAPSHOT_LIST_NEXT, 0x08043480) = 0
ioctl(4, ZFS_IOC_OBJSET_STATS, 0x08041FE0)      = 0

just looping forever.

I killed the process. Then beadm also hung when I was changing the boot
environment back to the current one but it did change the boot
environment.  I killed that as well.  After, using beadm to unmount the
new image worked fine.

I deleted the new boot env and tried the update again with the exact
same hang in the same place.

Any help on this would be great.

ENOMEM suggests a memory problem in my naive evaluation, but perhaps another pkg team member has another idea.

Seems to be the same problem as the one I ran into when trying to upgrade from b132 to b133. Any use of pkg install is still VERY LONG in the end, I mean after the install completion.
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