>>For example, on my system, when I did an image-update from build 110 to 
>>build 111, with all of the data to be installed downloaded already, it 
>>only took about five minutes to upgrade 666 packages and move around 480 
>>megabytes worth of data. That's not too shabby if you ask me.
>Compare upgrading from build 128 to later :-)

Sorry, I meant from build 118; the continuous rewriting of the contents 
file was a bug which was easily fixed.  I don't think you should benchmark 
against a completely broken system; to use that then your bar would by 
very low.

What was interesting is that "zfs" improved the old contents file issue on 
systems with more than 1GB of memory; with "ufs" each update of the
contents file was completely written to disk; this one done at least twice 
for each package.  With zfs much of the contents file was never written to 

On laptops, with slow disks, the difference would be greater.

During the development I noticed how much I/O was done before/after
when installing a zone:

        15m06 sd1 read 59M write 34G (ufs)
         6m30 sd1 read 66M write 583M  (zfs eats 33GB of I/O)

but after it sis more like:

         4m02 sd1 read 83M write 319M (ufs)
         2m59 sd1 read 76M write 129M

A full install used to write 150GB.

The use of "pkzip7" further penalizes the old install; uncompressing 
takes around 1/3rd of the install time.


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