> I also had a problem, but with Openoffice 3.0 Dev m72
> version.&nbsp; It
> hosed Opensolaris b133 so it wouldn't boot.&nbsp; I
> had to BE to 132, delete
> 133 and re-upgrade.&nbsp;


This is exactly what happened to me, except that the BE that was hosed was a 
clone of b133.  All I needed to do was "beadm destroy" this hosed clone, booted 
back to the original b133, and recreated a new clone.


Come to think about it, OOo problems aside, isn't this one of the best/most 
unique advantages of running OpenSolaris as a desktop OS?  :-)


> I won't install Openoffice
> now, as I'm afraid it
> will hose Opensolaris again, I'll try again when m73
> is released, maybe
> I'll just create a new BE then so I won't have to
> re-upgrade.<br>
> <br>
> You can install Openoffice 3.1, that package is part
> of b133.&nbsp;
> Hopefully they'll upgrade it to 3.2 soon.<br>
> <br>
> Paul<br>


The IPS version of OOo 3.1 seems to be running very well.  However, the SVR4 
(?) version of OOo has had problems on the OpenSolaris platform since as long 
as I can remember (i.e., at least a couple of years).  </p>

Anyway, I believe we really need to get Oracle's Hamburg people to be active in 
the OpenSolaris forums.
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