I'm not coming up with the right syntax after looking at share_nfs man
page, to give options to sharenfs besides `on'

The man page claims options are delineated by a comma.

      -o specific_options

         Specify specific_options in a  comma-separated  list  of
         keywords  and attribute-value-assertions for interpreta-
         tion  by  the  file-system-type-specific   command.   If
         specific_options is not specified, then by default shar-
         ing is read-write to all clients.  specific_options  can
         be any combination of the following:

But using zfs set it seems not to work.

For example these fail:

  zfs set sharenfs=on,r...@somehost.xxx.xxx.xxx z3/projects
  zfs set sharenfs=on=r...@somehost.xxx.xxx.xxx z3/projects
  zfs set sharenfs=on,root=SOMEHOST.xxx.xxx.xxx  z3/projects

All give the error:
  `cannot set property for 'z3/projects': 'sharenfs' cannot be set to
  invalid options'

Whats the gimmick here... its being discussed elsewhere about how the
the fqdn is required, but I haven't actually seen a full example 
`zfs set' cmd showing the syntax for giving more options to

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