so no, the issue is not somewhere else, but it's directly on the solaris and it 
happens on both b134 and b111b (OS 2009.06).
The issue is this: OS runs on Lenovo T500 which provides wifi card and e1000g0 
card. When I boot and let OS boot without cable pluged into the e1000g 
connector then network (routing!) will not work. I'm able to ping machines on 
network (10.0.0.*), but routing will not work. For example ping complains with 
`no route to host' message (when I ping something outside). As I said, this 
happen on both b111b and b134. Now, I've not found it that quickly since 
normally I came to office, put notebook on desk, plug network cable to the 
e1000g0 connector and switch on and boot the OS. If I do this, then network 
including routing works as expected.
To me this looks like an issue in nwamd or something of that kind. I'm using 
defaultrouter configuration i.e.
ka...@thinkpad:~$ cat /etc/defaultrouter

Now, the question is if this is already reported somewhere or if I shall report 
it myself.
PS: general note: b134 looks really nice, much better than 133/132. Thanks for 
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