I just tried this on OpenSolaris 2009.06 and it simply doesn't work. The system 
hangs and reboots when I try, does anyone know what's wrong? 

First it complained that I don't have permissions even though I used pfexec, 
this is not a big deal although I think unprivileged users should be able to 
mount block devices.

I don't know how to properly locate hard drives and their partitions in 
OpenSolaris so I used the command "format" and a trial and error of partitions 
p0, p1, ..., pn.

I tried
# pfexec ntfs-3g /dev/dsk/c7d1p1 /mnt/mypartition
and it returned
fuse: failed to access mountpoint /mnt/mypartition: No such file or directory

I don't understand why it reacts that way because that's exactly what is 
suggested here:

Then I tried this
# pfexec ntfs-3g /dev/dsk/c7d1p1 /mnt/
(it returned the prompt)
Then it froze and rebooted.

I also tried
# pfexec ntfs-3g /dev/dsk/c7d1p1 /mnt
It was responsive for a few seconds and then it froze and rebooted.

Does anyone know what's wrong and how to troubleshoot this issue?
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