On 03/28/10 04:20 PM, Jürgen Keil wrote:
use mrxvt application. So, the problem is not with terminal application
on OpenSolaris, it doesn't run X at all (yet), but with OpenSolaris'
man, vi and other curses/termcap/you_know_better applications. To me it
looks like problem with curses/termcap capabilities. It works fine with
TERM=xterm but doesn' with TERM=rxvt.

OpenSolaris does not have an rxvt terminfo entry

% ls -l /usr/share/lib/terminfo/r/rxvt
/usr/share/lib/terminfo/r/rxvt: No such file or directory

The rxvt application on OpenSolaris is using the xterm terminfo entry.

Maybe you could  compile (or copy) the terminfo entry from
NetBSD on OpenSolaris ?

While there isn't one in /usr/share/lib/terminfo/, there is an rxvt terminfo file delivered to usr/gnu/share/terminfo/r/rxvt for the SUNWncurses (or library/ncurses) package.

Don't know if that's useful...

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