
Do I need some additional package for running xdm as a service?
Os this is just a bug in packaging xdm.

I'm completely new to Solaris and OpenSolaris, so please be patient.

I'm aware of gdm, but I don't need it. I'd like to stay with xdm.

Refer here:

I think it is a known deficiency that there is no SMF service that
can be used to run it as a service.  I suspect you need to start it
up more by hand.

Also note that logindevperm support is lacking so that after login you
will find devices (such as the audio device) are not assigned to the
user upon login and therefore not accessible.  You could do your own
logindevperm processing in the xdm Xstartup/Xreset scripts to work
around this.  You could do this a few different ways:

- Write some c-code that calls the di_devperm_login() and
  di_devperm_logout() interfaces.  Then call this program from the
  Xstartup/Xreset scripts.  You can refer to the GDM code to see how
  the interfaces are called.
- You could write your own logindevperm parser or even do this in the
  Xstartup/Xreset scripts directly.  This would mean just parsing the
  /etc/logindevperm file and doing what the di_devperm* interfaces
  would do for you.
- You could just chmod/chown the interfaces you care about in the
  Xstartup/Xreset script.  This is probably the easiest solution to
  quickly hack together.

In other words, what these approaches should do is set the ownership
and permissions of the devices listed in the /etc/logindevperm file
to the user on login, and back to root on logout, with the permissions
listed in the mode column.

One advantage of using di_devperm* interfaces is that they manage the
situation where multiple users login at the same time.  If you try
and parse the logindevperm file yourself or just call chmod/chown, then
it may be tricky to make this robust enough to work well in multi-user
environments.  Perhaps one way to address this would be to make the
Xstartup script only reassign the permissions to the user on login if
they are currently owned by the root user rather than a currently
logged in user.

Also the lack of SunAudit support may be a serious issue for some

If there are users out there with an interest in using XDM, it would
be good if there were an interest in getting some of the code upstream
into the xdm codebase to support things like logindevperm more out of
the box.

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