I answered with the following to the osol-help list a few weeks ago:

If you downloaded Flash from adobe directly, you need to also have the libmlib.so.2 library installed. It is delivered with the medialib package.

I found this out on one system by running firefox from the commandline, and then going to a webpage with a flash movie. The missing library message was in the terminal window.

The preferred way though is to install the flash IPS package from the /extra repository.

-- Alan

On 04/ 7/10 02:30 PM, Tobias Oestreich wrote:
hi voron,
i've installed snv134 and tested Flash 10.0.45 and, but it didn't 
What's the right installation method?
I've seen this different ones:



So i copied libflashplayer into both dirs

The plugin isn't shown in the plugin list of firefox.

It would be wonderful if you or someone other can help me...
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