I decided to read Oracles System News. There's a pretty good article that actually gives me a warm feeling about Opensolaris.

The article is titled:

Oracle's Hardware and Systems Support Policies

Linked at:



Article #22995
Volume 146, Issue 1
Section: Hardware

For the link to work I believe you'll have to log in, at least I did.

It makes me think there is something very big that is going to happen with Opensolaris, not bad, but good. It's just my speculation.

Linked to the article is a blog from Alex Gorbachev located at:


In the bottom comments section stated was (from Alex Gorbachev):

"I wouldn't underestimate Linux but I argue that Oracle's true strategy on Solaris vs Linux are not known in public domain. I'm sure they wouldn't mind dominate OS market with the product that they control (and that's not Linux) --- whether it's feasible or not is another question".

This is the quote that makes me think that something good is going the happen. I believe (speculate) that Oracle will try to sell Opensolaris as a desktop OS. Where else can you move it, if not backwards.

Well any way, I just wanted to state something positve about Opensolaris.

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