On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 11:37 AM, Dennis Clarke <dcla...@blastwave.org>wrote:

> On 04-14-10, Paul Gress <pgr...@optonline.net> wrote:
> > I don't think he wants to start a new distro, he's looking to
> publishb137.
> That's about it in a nutshell. I have no shortage of build servers and thus
> I was thinking, if this is really open source ( with redistributables ) then
> a person with a bit of experience *should* be able to compile everything
> from the ground up and have a distro-looking-thing that anyone anywhere can
> download and run.  Really, Jörg is better at this than I.
> I'm really a pretty simple guy, people need or want something, I'm sitting
> on top of a bucket load of servers and mirror sites. Gee, make coffee and do
> something. Not much more complex than that. I'm not getting political or
> anything subversive. I'm just trying to solve a problem in the community.
> Dennis
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Hey Dennis,

That was the only way to 'get' opensolaris anyway .. build/bfu it. I still
do from time to time. There is of course:
Good to see you 'round again Dennis.


Steven Acres
Toronto OpenSolaris User Group <TOROSUG>
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