To debug this, I would recommend editing the /etc/gdm/custom.conf file
and add the line "Enable=true" after the line that says "[debug]" so
it looks like this:


Then reboot.  After reboot, the syslog file (/var/adm/messages) should
have GDM related debug messages near the bottom.  Each has a timestamp.
Using these timestamps, you should be able to determine if the slowdown
is happening before the GDM is launched, or if the slowdown is happening
because GDM itself is doing something slow.  You can share the relevant
gdm-related debug from the bottom of your syslog with us and we can help
with diagnosing it if the it isn't clear what the problem might be.

Also, it might be worth checking the GDM log files in /var/log/gdm.
The files in this directory are saved per-display (have the $DISPLAY
value in the filename) and they contain debug logs from the GDM slave
daemon and the GUI greeter for each display.  If the slowdown is
happening as these programs are launched, then there might be some
useful error messages here.

You might also check your Xorg logs in /var/log and make sure that there
is nothing indicating that the Xserver might be slow in starting up for
some reason.


On 05/ 6/10 08:11 AM, Robin Axelsson wrote:
I see one error message complaining about failure to start service:
When looking at the list of running services ("~$ svcs") this service is
the only one in maintenance mode, all other services are online except
for the "legacy-run" services. When checking the log of this service it

[ May 6 14:56:07 Enabled. ]
[ May 6 14:56:29 Executing start method
("/lib/svc/method/sendmail-client start"). ]
[ May 6 14:56:30 Method "start" exited with status 0. ]
[ May 6 14:56:35 Stopping because all processes in service exited. ]
[ May 6 14:56:35 Executing stop method ("/lib/svc/method/sendmail-client
stop 85"). ]
[ May 6 14:56:35 Method "stop" exited with status 0. ]
[ May 6 14:56:35 Executing start method
("/lib/svc/method/sendmail-client start"). ]
[ May 6 14:56:35 Method "start" exited with status 0. ]
[ May 6 14:56:35 Stopping because all processes in service exited. ]
[ May 6 14:56:35 Executing stop method ("/lib/svc/method/sendmail-client
stop 95"). ]
[ May 6 14:56:35 Method "stop" exited with status 0. ]
[ May 6 14:56:35 Executing start method
("/lib/svc/method/sendmail-client start"). ]
[ May 6 14:56:35 Method "start" exited with status 0. ]
[ May 6 14:56:35 Stopping because all processes in service exited. ]
[ May 6 14:56:35 Executing stop method ("/lib/svc/method/sendmail-client
stop 97"). ]
[ May 6 14:56:35 Method "stop" exited with status 0. ]
[ May 6 14:56:35 Executing start method
("/lib/svc/method/sendmail-client start"). ]
[ May 6 14:56:35 Method "start" exited with status 0. ]
[ May 6 14:56:35 Stopping because all processes in service exited. ]
[ May 6 14:56:35 Executing stop method ("/lib/svc/method/sendmail-client
stop 99"). ]
[ May 6 14:56:35 Method "stop" exited with status 0. ]
[ May 6 14:56:35 Restarting too quickly, changing state to maintenance. ]
[ May 6 14:59:11 Leaving maintenance because disable requested. ]

But I doubt that this service is the culprit that causes the delay in
the GDM splash login screen.

- Robin.

On 2010-05-06 14:45, Matthias Pfützner wrote:
What can you see on the screen, once you hit the<escape> key after the
moving splash part shows? That'll finish the splash,and you'll see the


You (Robin Axelsson) wrote:
Quite recently the system have picked up a new behaviour that occurs
every time I boot and every time I log out and back in again; when
the splash login screen appears it takes about 3 minutes before it
prompts for username. In the meantime it responds to CIFS and ssh.
What's wrong and how can I troubleshoot this?
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Matthias Pfützner | mailto:pfu...@germany | Kunde versenkt, Geld
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SunCS, Ampèrestraße 6 | Lichtenbergstraße 73 |
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