> Richard L. Hamilton <rlha...@smart.net> wrote:
> The short story is:
> The Opera staff asked - as usual - for help to
> circumvent a Solaris
> bug. The (new) response, totally the opposite from
> Sun's helpful
> behavior of the past was:
> 1. Opera did not purchase support for Solaris
> 2. Without support Oracle will not answer technical
> questions or
> provide ANY help
> 3. Opera uses the SOLARIS trademark without
> permission
> 4. Opera will have to buy a full year of support for
> 502018 Euro to
> obtain questions to their answers
> 502018 Euro for WHAT? How crazy is Oracle? They
> provided one of the
> best browsers on the planet for Solaris and Oracle
> did what? Ask for
> money? IMO the manager responsible at Oracle should
> be fired.
> The Opera legal folks is looking into whether
> Oracle's emails can be
> published or not.

As I have stated elsewhere, there is absolutely no truth in this at all:

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