> On 27.05.2010 08:36, Ragnar Sundblad wrote:
> >> I can remember Larry offering condolences to the
> >> engineers in desktop back in '96 as PCs were going
> to
> >> be a thing of the past, and all of us would need
> to
> >> find other jobs to work on in the future as IT was
> >> going back to a mainframe type environment. Oddly
> >> people are still using PCs to this day. It was
> >> Larry's hope, IMO, to get Gates off the PC playing
> >> field as I don't believe he felt he could beat
> Gates
> >> as long as the playing field remained on the PC...
> > 
> > Well, maybe we are finally getting there - surf
> pads with or without telephone functionality is a
> fast growing thing, people work and store their
> things in "the cloud", even their computing
> resources. He was just bit before his time. And this
> development is quite logical, why would you want to
> carry around your resources, putting them to risk for
> loss, and limiting their access, when they can be
> much better stored somewhere else? I don't think I
> have seen a sci-fi movie where people are carrying
> around their day-to-day data, they just use it anyhow
> and everywhere. Hopefully soon the personal
> integrity, rights, and similar aspects will catch up.
> Those surf tablets may replace WAP on a cellphone,
> but do you really,
> sincerely, think they'll replace a wordprocessor or a
> spreadsheet
> application on a "proper computer"? How about
> replacing Photoshop or DxO
> Optics or similar? What about AutoCad?
> Having been a touchscreen user for quite some time, I
> can tell you that
> I'm currently looking to replace my cellphone with
> one of those that has
> a slideout keyboard, simply because of the lack of
> real tactile
> feedback. And right now, a Windows Mobile one looks a
> lot better than
> the "opposition" simply due to one single program:
> Birdiesync. I want to
> continue using Thunderbird+Lightning on my desktop
> workstation and
> Laptop, and have the contacts and calendar from that
> synced to the
> mobile, without leaving a copy with Mountain View.
> Leaving a copy in
> Redmond or Cupertino is a no-no as well.
> But back to those tablets replacing the PC: I
> seriously doubt it. But
> they will probably make another serious dent in paper
> publishing (such
> as newspapers). Tablets will be nice enough for
> reading, but unsuitable
> for writing. This means that the big studios will
> help Cupertion sell
> them, since those are very interested in people being
> "consumers" of
> information (just as long as they pay their
> protection-fee to the
> movie-studio-racket). But I don't see you writing
> your
> pulitzer-price-winning piece there, or sorting out
> the pictures from the
> riot last night. Nor do I see you writing you school
> essays there.

I would very much like to see a SunRay tablet (with or without keyboard). 
SunPad anyone? (At least it sounds better than OraclePad... ;))
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