* Greg Swanson (mrgregswan...@gmail.com) wrote:
> I'm getting back into the solaris world and just purchased a v480.
> I tried to get a support contact with Sun/Oracle so I could download
> the latest openboot prom.  Long story short, they want to charge me
> $1000 for the contract.
> The machine only cost me $200 so I can't justify the price.   I'm just
> a developer and I don't always need the latest and greatest.
> So... I'm looking at opensolaris.  It looks very promising.
> First off, I heard rumors that sun made the openboot prom open source
> but I can't seem to find the location of the proms.   Anyone know
> where they are?

No idea on this one.

> Also, is there anything I'm missing if I switch over to opensolaris?

Missing as compared to what?

> And, I noticed the sparc version of open solaris is considerably
> smaller than the x86 version.   Is this because the x86 version
> includes the live version or is there another reason?

You hit it on the head.  There is no liveCD for SPARC because there are
very few supported SPARC graphics drivers under Xorg which is what
OpenSolaris uses for graphics (as opposed to Xsun which was used in
Solaris 10).  The sparc media that is available for OpenSolaris are for
the automated installer or a text-based installer.


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