You (Alan Snelson) wrote:
> Thanks Matthias!
> I never say never but until all the FUD surrounding OpenSolaris evaporates 
> I'll be keeping my options Open :)
> Enjoy the weekend,
> Alan

Don't worry to much... Enjoy summer... ;-)

And: FishWorks is based 100% on OpenSolaris, with some additional stuff,
that's NOT inside OpenSolaris (the sellable IP, so-to-say!). I personally
would love to see the "S7000-firmware" in a software-only option to be
puttable onto some small ATOM-MoBo with 4-6 SATA disks, as a HOME-NAS to
counter Cisco, HP, TrekStore,

Sadly, that's still a dream... ;-(

That's, what Nexenta tries to do... But not as "chic" as the FishWorks
Analytics... ;-)

    Matthias Pfützner    | mailto:pfu...@germany | Es ist leichter, einem
 @work: +49 6103 752-394 | @home: +49 6151 75717 | Restaurant als einer Frau
  SunCS, Ampèrestraße 6  | Lichtenbergstraße 73  | treu zu bleiben.
    63225 Langen, FRG    | 64289 Darmstadt, FRG  | Federico Fellini
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