Sorry to shock everyone by asking an actual technical question instead
of whinging about the next release, but... :)

1) I have a 4 drive USB array made up of 1T drives hooked up to osol_134
which no longer shows up after I removed an unused USB PCI card (the
array was connected to the motherboard USB ports, not this card).  I
suspect that the controller numbers may have changed and is causing
opensolaris to not find the device.  Would touch /reconfigure and init 6

Is there an way to verify the list of devices that the USB controller
sees? And is there a way to reactive the zpool for this array?  (I
imagine something like an import/deport like with vxvm is needed?)

2) Any recommendations for using osol_134 with wd advanced format 4K
drives?  I just bought a set of WD20EARS (2TB) but haven't yet installed
them and was looking for recommendations - should I enable the jumper
block 7-8 as it recommends for "windows xp" or leave it?

>From what I read is that this shifts the partition table from sector 63
to sector 64, thus forcing the blocks to be aligned to 4K blocks as the
drive natively intends.  Is this correct or does it do anything else? 
(Hopefully I won't have to boot up in windows or DOS to reprogram the
controllers on these drives.)

What I've noticed with the USB array above is that the partition tables
on those drives is EFI, and not MBR, so does the jumper block on the
drives work properly with EFI partition tables, if not, is there some
way to get osol to use the old MBR type partitions?

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