I had a look at the sessions announced for Oracle Open World and got a bit 
annoyed at the prominent announcement of "Oracle Linux Roadmap: A Penguin 
Prospective (S316881)". Hmm, seems like Oracle doesn't fell the same need for 
secrecy about what's in store for OEL. But, to be fair, I did find this session 
for Oracle Solaris:
"Optimizing Your Datacenter Deployments with the Oracle Solaris Operating 
System (S317603)". So the title doesn't look so interesting but in the abstract 
I see these nuggets:
"This session explores the latest advances in Oracle Solaris...
... [b]The session also addresses the future direction of Oracle Solaris[/b] 
and how users can access new Oracle Solaris technology...
... If you're already running Oracle Solaris and want the latest information on 
the new release, come to the session, which presents strategies for upgrading 
to the latest Oracle Solaris from older versions..."

Of course it's not clear how new is new, i.e. will the next Sol10 update be out 
in time. Of course, nothing about OpenSolaris, but maybe they'll throw out a 
few crumbs when talking about the future direction of Solaris. Dan Roberts will 
be one of the speakers.
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