> From: opensolaris-discuss-boun...@opensolaris.org [mailto:opensolaris-
> discuss-boun...@opensolaris.org] On Behalf Of Dev Mazumdar
> In other news.....
> Greg Lavender, the lead developer in charge of the Solaris operating
> system at Oracle, has left the company
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/07/14/oracle_lavender_opensolaris/

I'm not saying Greg didn't leave the company.  I'm just saying, The Register
is where you get your news?  And you think it's valuable?  How about the

>From the same article referenced above:  "Solaris 11, the commercial-grade
operating system [...] was expected sometime around the middle of 2010..."

Oy.  Where are these lazy reporters anyway?  Solaris 11 was announced for
2010, and opensolaris was announced for H1 2010.  Don't let facts get in the
way of a good story.  Even if the story wasn't very good.

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