I always do it the other way round. On my laptop I have Windows 7/64 (two 
partitions, as you said), NetBSD-current/AMD64 (third primary partition), and 
on an extended partition I have two logical partitions, one 15GB FAT32 common 
data to all of them, one OpenSolaris (which has been able to boot from extended 
partition for some time). Initially this was lead by OpenSolaris GRUB, but when 
I formatted the FAT32 partition this changed the partition number and grub 
failed, so I installed NetBSD boot manager, which then selects either of the 
three partitions (OpenSolaris still shows it's GRUB menu, though).   

In your case my guess is you should change the (hd0,3) to (hd0,2),as the boot 
partition for W7 is actually the small 100MB partition it created during the 


Chavdar Ivanov
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