On 07/28/10 09:27 AM, William Bauer wrote:
I've noticed over the last couple years that with every version of
OpenSolaris, from 2008.05 through build 134, at times my root crontab
spontaneously deletes every line from the last comment (# symbol) and
above.  Only the lines below the last # remain.  No, not just the
comments disappear, but ALL above the last comment.

These have all been clean installs, and impacts multiple computers.
I have no explanation for when it happens--doesn't seem to be a crash
or other non-graceful shutdown.  cron just seems to blow up at very
random times.  I've had affected systems be fine for many months,
then suddenly my root cron has one or two lines left.  No one has
access to my home computer, and few have any type of access to my
work system.

Very odd.  I'd submit a bug, but have nothing to offer but the
information in this message.

That's very strange. I assume you mean that the damage occurs at a random time while the system is running, not as a side effect of updating to a new build.

It's worth noting that the cron daemon always opens these files read-only. So I suspect that there must be a stray invocation of /usr/bin/crontab or a process that directly writes to the file in /var/spool/cron/crontab.


Scott Rotondo
Senior Principal Engineer, Solaris Core OS Engineering
President, Trusted Computing Group
Phone: +1 650 786 6309 (Internal x86309)
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