
we all left in the dark about the future of opensolaris for months now. this is 
really a bad situation for all people working on or with opensolaris technology 
like me. 

some times ago there were first thoughts about a fork of opensolaris here. my 
first thought was, oh no - without a (commercially successfull mentor) all such 
plans are in vain.

could it be now, that nexenta become something like citrix, mentor of zen or 
like novell with linux or even oracle with mysql? will nexenta earn enough 
money to be able to maintain a oss fork permanently? are they capable to do so?

does nexenta intend to do so? are this good news?

i really hope and wish them to have success with any of their plans. i am 
curious about the news, that will come at http://www.illumos.org/
gea  <br>
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