On 08/ 2/10 03:40 PM, Allen Jasewicz wrote:
It is really weird, I am in single user mode, I have imported rpool to /a as 
read/write and I am unable to find an xorg.conf file on the /a mount.  It was 
working and I wanted to make adjustments to the display and typed in kdmconfig 
while windows was running.  I exited out without saving anything, then rebooted 
and that is what lead to where I am, unable to get windows to work or  get a 
prompt when in multi user mode.

You're on Solaris 10 Update 8:

  Solaris 10 10/09 s10x_u8wos_08a X86
  Copyright ...
  Use is ...
  Assembled 16 September 2009

Look for /a/etc/openwin/server/etc/OWconfig.
There may be a backup file in that directory.
The template file should be

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