Hi all,

Halcyon recently started to add ZFS pool stats to our Solaris Agent, and 
because many people were interested in the previous OpenSolaris beta* we've 
rolled it into our OpenSolaris build as well. 

I've already heard some great feedback about supporting ZIL and ARC stats, 
which we're hoping to add soon. If you'd like to see what we have now, and 
maybe try it on your OpenSolaris system, please see the download/screenshot 
page here:


I know this isn't the best time to be posting about legacy OpenSolaris: we're 
keeping our eyes on Solaris 11 Express / Illumos and aim to support the more 
advanced features of Solaris 11 the day it's pushed out the door.

Thanks for your time!


Mike dot Kirk at HalcyonInc dot com

* previous build: http://opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?threadID=130507
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