I'm using b134/32-bit OSOL

I tried to follow this procedure to upgrade to b142; everything seemed to go 
through OK but at the end I got this:

PHASE                                        ACTIONS
Removal Phase                                  54/54 
DOWNLOAD                                  PKGS       FILES    XFER (MB)
Completed                              259/259   4578/4578  129.3/129.3 

PHASE                                        ACTIONS
Removal Phase                              2043/2043 
Install Phase                              2706/2706 
Update Phase                               7537/7537 
on-nightly-142.i386 has been updated successfully
Unable to activate on-nightly-142.i386.
Unknown external error.
beadm activate on-nightly-142.i386 failed: exit code 1

I powered off and tried to boot on-nightly

It gets to the blue GNOME login screen, accepts username/passwd and then just 
after the mouse cursor changes to the clockface, freezes. 30 secs later it goes 
back to the GRUB screen. Fortunately b134 is still there so I can carry on as I 
am, but it would be interesting to see what b142 is like.

I'm completely in the dark as to what went wrong; "Unknown external error" is 
not much help to a beginner like me. Any help much appreciated.
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