> here's the lshal with all the entires
> pertaining to this usbstick
> there is 'volume' entry

Hal's volume entry for the usb device
looks good.

I think the next step is that
hal-storage-mount gets started (?),
and it is supposed to mount the
pcfs file system.

Are there any error messages in
hald service' log file,
/var/svc/log/system-hal:default.log  ?

In case that does not help:
You could try to enable verbose
debug messages for "hald", and
check /var/adm/messages for any
errors / failures when trying to mount
the usb device.

Note that the hald(1M) manual page
example for enabling hal debug
output is incorrect and does not work.

To enable hald verbose debug messages,
edit the file /lib/svc/method/svc-hal and
start the hald process like this:

    /usr/lib/hal/hald --daemon=yes --verbose=yes --use-syslog

After making that change, restart the
hal service with "svcadm restart hal".
You should now find lots of hal debug
messages in /var/adm/messages.
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