about napp-it

napp-it, the project to build a free ready to run Web- or NAS-Appliance now 
supports not only Nexenta but also OpenIndiana. It includes a user extendable 
Web-UI and a online-installer to setup and install all needed tools and 

On OpenIndiana support for AFP and some tools from the Nexenta-version like 
bonnie, socat, smartmontools, Sqlmyadmin will be added later.

to install/ update the napp-it nas-appliance on OpenIndiana:
-install OpenIndiana
-login as admin
-open a terminal and enter: (installer needs root-permission )

now you can call the online-installer:
wget -O www.napp-it.org/nappit | perl

(on Nexenta, just login as root and run wget..)

thats all. you can now connect and manage your appliance from you browser.

more on napp-it.org
please give feedback about errors, its all beta and on development

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