Orvar Korvar <knatte_fnatte_tja...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Actually, I also spoke to a marketing manager high up, about this. He spoke 
> with some managers high up, about Solaris 10/11 licensing and all the 
> managers said what you say: "free for personal use". 

For the future of Solaris this is definitely not enough.

The decision makers of tomorrow are the students from today and these students
select from competing OS based on properties.... Being Open Source is important
in the univiersity. A "free for personal use" Solaris cannot compete with 
other OS being OSS (like Linux or FreeBSD). Features alone are not sufficient
at the universities, but I doubt that Oracle is able to create a "life stile" 
product like Apple does...

Also note that (as explained before) Oracle cannot make Solaris binary only 
without at the same time being in conflict with the CDDL. In former times, 
when Solaris was closed source, Sun did not have all rights to make Solaris 
OSS. Now Solaris is OSS and Oracle (in a similar way) does not own all rights 
to make Solaris closed source again. As a result binary only bi-weekly 
releases do not make sense:

-       They do not change the bad situation Solaris now has at the universities
        after Oracle revised Sun's promises, so this would not change the 
        chances for the future of Solaris

-       This would be in conflict with the CDDL

-       This would "leak" information from the closed information society 

I believe that Oracle should generally rethink decisions in case that Oracle is 
really interested in the future of Solaris. Solaris is OpenSource and this 
cannot be reverted. Oracle has the chance to continue with an OSS Solaris, let 
Solaris slowly die or let innovation in Solaris happen elsewhere.


 EMail:jo...@schily.isdn.cs.tu-berlin.de (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353 Berlin
       j...@cs.tu-berlin.de                (uni)  
       joerg.schill...@fokus.fraunhofer.de (work) Blog: 
 URL:  http://cdrecord.berlios.de/private/ ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/schily
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