On 10/16/10 08:54 AM, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
Doesn't help with existing binaries, but it's good to know for
when one can re-link.  If there's a way to construct an
LD_PRELOAD'able shared object to do the trick for existing
binaries, I don't see how given the description of mprotect(2),
to specify the entire present (and future) stack or heap of a process.

 From some of the stuff I've looked at, it seems that executables were
first widely built to disable an executable stack
(using something as boring as /usr/bin/who as the test case)
in Solaris 9; on Solaris 8, I didn't see a program header for the stack for
the "who" executable, but when I recompiled with the -M option you
gave, and checked the new binary with elfdump, I saw the additional
program header.

There are a few oddball programs that legitimately want a segment
that's both writable and executable (because they compile on-the-fly);
some LISP interpreters used to do that, I think; and I can imagine that
some Forth implementations might want to do strange things.  (I wonder
if the JVM does anything like that?)  But I suppose they ought
to create an explicit anonymous mapping with the permissions they
desire for that use.

I believe you've already covered the essential facts, so allow me to toss
out some related supplemental trivia...

The stack permissions are set up within exec, based on the executable's
PT_SUNWSTACK program header, 'set noexec_user_stack' in /etc/system,
and failing those, the ABI mandated default.

The stack headers that come in later with other objects don't have a
vote in this, and their PT_SUNWSTACK headers are ignored, including
PRELOAD objects.

Another point of trivia is that if you have an executable with a
PT_SUNWSTACK, you can use elfedit to make its stack executable:

    % elfedit -e 'phdr:p_flags -or sunwstack x' /bin/ls my.ls
    % elfdump -p my.ls
    Program Header[6]:
        p_vaddr:      0           p_flags:    [ PF_X PF_W PF_R ]
        p_paddr:      0           p_type:     [ PT_SUNWSTACK ]
        p_filesz:     0           p_memsz:    0
        p_offset:     0           p_align:    0

Unfortunately, the reverse is generally not possible: ld doesn't issue a
PT_SUNWSTACK when the permissions match the ABI defaults, so there's
nothing there for you to edit.

When I introduced the new mapfile syntax for ld earlier this year,
the question of whether we could change the default to make stacks
non-executable came up. I asked around, and the general consensus
seemed to be that while no one wants an executable stack, that going
against the ABI seemed to be a step too far.

All of which seems to say that linking with

    -M /usr/lib/ld/map.noexstk

is about the best you can currently do.

- Ali
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