On 10/20/10 3:39 AM, casper....@sun.com wrote:

    I had a few minutes today to try an experiment, and I'm afraid
the idea of having ld always generate a PT_SUNWSTACK is a non-starter.

The problem is that it overrides the behavior of 'set noexec_user_stack=1'
in /etc/system, and can therefore quietly allow programs that would
not previously been able to execute on the stack do so.

Thanks for this investigation.

There is another issue we haven't explored is the use a system call;
there's a sysconf(_SC_STACK_PROT) but there's no way to set in on the
fly.  If we create a function to change it on the fly, we could make a
LD_PRELOAD object which enforce it.  The current mapped pages would not be
protected but threadstacks and additional pages would be rw-.


Yet another possibility would be for ld to issue an extra PT_NULL
program header, rather than a PT_SUNWSTACK. PT_NULL is a no-op, and
would not alter behavior, but elfedit can be later be used to turn it
into something else, such as PT_SUNWSTACK.

- Ali
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