> That's the last of the original DTrace three
> (Cantrill, Leventhal, and Shapiro),
> right?  Bummer...
> Here's my list of big names that have left so far.
>  It's long enough that
> he arguments for natural turnover and fresh blood
> that some have made
> strike me as reaching; a much more obvious conclusion
> is that Oracle
> has managed to alienate some of their top talent.
> I think it's in more or less chronological order.
> Let me know if someone I missed is well known enough
> to make the list.
> * Ian Murdock (Emerging systems, i.e. new distro
> architecture)
> * Tim Bray (SGML/XML) (1 March 2010)
> * Simon Phipps (Open Source) (March 2010)
> * James Gosling (Java) (2 April 2010)
> * Garrett D'Amore (networking, audio, device drivers
> - formerly
> with General Dynamics (which had bought
>  Tadpole)
>  Bryan Cantrill (DTrace) (July 2010)
>  Adam Leventhal (DTrace)
>  Jeff Bonwick (ZFS)
>  Michael W. Shapiro (dTrace, storage) (October 2010)

Bill Moore , ZFS co creator, left a while back

And Today was Brenden Gregg last day at Oracle.

If I can remember correctly i think it was Mike Shapiro who canceled  
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