> Hello ...
> I'm new to Solaris and just installed 5.10 onto a X86
> AMD 64bit box. My questions (2 of them), are:
> 1. During the install, you're offered the choices of
> installing onto one of four partitions, of which one
> has to be SOLARIS or the whole disk ... you're not
> given the opportunity to build your own partitions

These are actually slices in Solaris parlance - don't mix them with FDISK 
partitions. You can modify them if you select UFS for the boot disk. If you 
select ZFS, the only choice you have is about separate /var (which I never 
bother with).

> (/, home, boot, opt, var, tmp ...) ... I realize it
> lays down a ZFS file system that contains all of
> those for you, but how do I give it more room? It
> only installed onto 4 GB of a 360 GB HDD. So how do I
> expand/enlarge/resize my root and etc?

You have to select options 3 or 4 - I usually go with 4 - just console. Only in 
this case you will get the choice between UFS and ZFS (apparently there are 
some reasons even now to go for UFS, but I don't know them, and frankly 
speaking, don't want to know them - ZFS all the way... ). 

> 2. I have two disks in the box. How do I see and
> install the second?

You should get a screen with the discovered disks; it will show the first one 
as selected by default, but you can select the second one and deselect the 
first. It's your problem how to boot from it next, though - it may be a BIOS 
setting or you could install some boot manager on the first disk, capable of 
booting from the second (I usually use NetBSD boot manager - my laptop bots 
natively W7, OpenSolaris and NetBSD from the internal disk, plus some other 
systems - xBSD and various Solaris instances off external USB disk and even 
from stick). 

> Thanks


Chavdar Ivanov
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