On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 1:10 PM, Mr. Housey <edhou...@motorola.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to obtain the list of files that are "preserved" during a Solaris 
> Live Update using the luupdate command. I haven't found anything useful on 
> the web, other than a one sentence snippet from an Oracle whitepaper on how 
> to upgrade, which states:
> Upgrading
> Upgrading a system with a later version of Oracle Solaris instead of doing a 
> fresh install is a popular procedure because upgrading preserves all the 
> effort initially spent in configuring the system. Oracle offers two ways to 
> upgrade:
> It's the "preserves all the effort initially spent in configuring the system" 
> that I need to know.  Does anyone know *exactly* what is preserved and in 
> what manner?
> Thanks for any information you can provide.

All files modified by the user are preserved. After the LU process,
/var/sadm/system/data/upgrade_cleanup on the upgraded BE contains a
full list of files that need to be examined. You can parse the log
programmatically. The policy decision to rename the existing file and
install the new file in its place, or keep the existing file and
install the new file under a new name, depends on the file in

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