One of the UNH Requirement for Ipsecv3 compatibility specifies the following

   There should be a facility to configure different incoming and outgoing SA’s
   based on ICMPV6 Type and Code

   SA1-Incoming for Echo Request with 3DES/SHA1
   SA2-Incoming for Echo Reply with AES/SHA1
   SA3-Outgoing for Echo Request with 3DES/SHA256
   SA4-Outgoing for Echo Reply with AES/AESXXCBC

   Issue Details

   Configuring the system under test with SA1 and SA2 fails i.e., incoming for 
   echo request & reply with different algorithms for Encryption and  
Authentication is unsuccessful. Same is the case with outgoing packets 

   pl suggest if the solaris supports echo request with a SA1 and echo reply 
with another?
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