> Hi, I have researched online in order to solve this
> and didn't find any information. [b]Could you please
> how can I create a new username (numbers based) eg.
> 0000-0000?[/b]
> please let me know, I'll apretiate your kindly
> help!!!!!!!
> bergmp at gmail dot com

Accounts can be created with the "useradd" command.

Limits on the username are listed in passwd(4):


The format you desire exceeds the recommendations, if not the
absolute limits, on both length and characters used.

That said, _most_ software will probably work anyway with anything 32
characters or less (and not permitting colon or newline characters within
the username), but older software (or software that exchanges the
information with other systems) may not.

Some older programs may assume that
/usr/include/stdio.h:#define    L_cuserid       9
could specify the size of an array of characters (including null terminator)
sufficient to hold a username.

Some older systems may assume that if an all upper-case username is
entered, the terminal being used is unable to generate lower-case
letters, and will therefore enable a conversion of all upper-case letters
to lower-case letters when entered during that login session.  This
will usually prevent even getting logged in (since the username and
password will no longer be an exact match).

However much you may desire something that exceeds both the
requirements and the suggested limits given in passwd(4), your
best results will be achieved by fully complying with both.  There
is no single action that will adjust that, except that if you have
programs of your own, some of them might need to be changed to
exceed the 8 character limit.

This is not an extreme limit.  Other systems in the past have had similar
limits, or even more restrictive ones.  At one time, usernames on certain
mainframes were limited to 7 characters (their limit has now gone up to 8).
At least one real-time system (Harris VOS) allowed usernames that were
_either_ at most six alphanumeric characters _or_ a number (with no
punctuation) of a few more digits - that related to the unusual word
length on the systems that ran VOS.
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