Solved!  It was one heck of a frustrating hunt for a silly oversight.  Here was 
the setup for the problem.

I have a cable modem that provides a DHCP service for the connecting equipment 
(HW router, computer, etc.).  I use an outside DNS service to route external 
traffic to my server.

So, I pulled the HW box, plugged in the OpenSolaris service and rebooted the 
cable modem.  Then I did things like try to send email to the server, connect 
vs. ssh, etc. but no luck.

Then today it hit me...  The cable box was giving me a new IP address but I 
forgot to tell the outside DNS service that I moved.  I updated the DNS entries 
and voila!  Everything is working.

I figured that I'd document the fix in case someone has a similar problem.

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