user124 <> writes:

> Hi all, 

I've found myself having problems with my Logitech G9 laser
> mouse on Solaris Express 11. The cursor won't move, and the lights
> on the mouse keep flashing (rather than lighting solidly as they
> should).  

> Mouse worked perfect on Solaris 2009.06 (111b), but after system
> updating the same were happened. I decided to wait for solaris 11
> but, unfortunately, were disappointed.  If somebody knows how to
> solve, please help.

Just to report I can confirm to the letter your description of G9.
However It never worked for me... not on 2009.06 of any build up to
b 134 and not on openindian b 147... 

I may note that my normal usage is thru a KVM switch... but I also
plugged directly into the machine with no better luck.

But I bought the mouse for graphics work with adobe tools on windows
OS and was very disappointed with it.  It sucks for graphics work, no
matter how weighted or which shell is on it, so I didn't mind
relegating it to emergency backup status and sticking with razor pro
click 1.6.

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