[Note, this post was also put up on Openindiana general so maybe ot
here but with close similarity and given that I ran osol till the mess
with Oracle came on. I hope to pick brains here too that are willing]

I've been running oi (before that osol) on what is now an older AMD
Athlon64 +3400 with three GB ram which is the max on that Abit board.

My setup is only a small scale home server intended to supply my need
of lots of room for video editing files and other hefty graphic

Something has happened to render the hardware unusable and rather than
spend time investigating, I think I'd as soon upgrade.  Even if the
fix were simple.

I'm not looking for bleeding edge but something a few yrs old (2-3).
I'd like to have the option of at least 8GB ram so it would need a mobo
that supports that much.  Also the board should have a nice lot of
sata controllers and ports.

64 bit architecture also a requirement.

Don't care about sound or video being more than adequate.

It could be a mobo cpu bundle or a full computer.

Cutting to the chase then... I hoped some of you may know what is
something midway or so from my old Athlon and up to date hardware.
I'd like to have some names and specs to search for an ebay or
whereever since there is such a plethora of stuff available a person
could flounder around in it endlessly without some specific targets.

I'm afraid it would take a lot of research on my part to come up with
the names as I have not kept up with trends for some years.

I'm thinking some of the folks here will know off the top of there
heads, hardware that would match the spec laid out above, so I'm
hoping to tap into that knowledge rather than immerse myself in
research.... lazy I guess, but if it does not require much on the part
of any responders I'd like to hear from you. 

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