On 02/02/11 12:10, Edward Ned Harvey wrote:
>> From: Matthias Pfützner [mailto:matth...@pfuetzner.de]
>> Just a small correction. It's NOT closed source, it's still open source,
> BUT:
>> The source will only be published AFTER the commercial binary release! So:
>> It's closed development, but NOT closed source!
> You're the only person who believes that.  When you buy an OS from Oracle,
> it's literally "An OS."  You buy "OS Support," and then you're licensed for
> solaris, or solaris express, or oracle linux, or any other OS that oracle
> produces (if there are any others).
> So this might just be semantics, but Solaris 11 Express is already the
> commercial binary release since a few months ago.  No open source.

Well, I don't speak for Oracle, but as far as I know, the plan of
record is to release the source after Solaris 11 is released. The
Solaris 11 Express release is still considered a development release
and the policy is to release the source after the GA release.

Having said that, I have no opinion or influence over what the policy
will be when the time actually comes. I would have said the same thing
last June about OpenSolaris 2010.06.

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a
violent psychopath who knows where you live. - Martin Golding
Brian Utterback - Solaris RPE, Oracle Corporation.
Ph:603-262-3916, Em:brian.utterb...@oracle.com
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