ken mays <> writes:

> Haryy,
> ECC RAM is a 'nice to have' if this is a PRO server - but not critical for 
> home use/SOHO use.
> The main thing to consider is you can build a very good dedicated NAS
> server for around $800 USD that can provide you with up to 8TB-12TB
> w/2TB drives).
> If you have a good computer builder, they can design you something
> very nice within a decent price range scalable up to 8TB-12TB (most
> designs) and
> small enough in a mini-tower. You should not have to spend over $1000
> for a good design with high-quality customized parts for just a ZFS
> NAS server in today's market.

Do you have any ideas how to connect with such a builder?

So far, I've only looked at a couple of those build it online type
sites where they allow you to pick parts from a list they have.

The one where I quoted the price 1300+ was found on ebay called
magic-micro.  I have no connection with them or any special reason to
think they are particularly `good', its just one that I found by
accidentally scrolling further down a ebay page than usual and happend
to notice a `Customize it' link.

And I gradually gravitated toward the higher end stuff, as my eyes got
bigger :). They had plenty of various brand amd quads too, not just
the 6 core phenom setup I picked.

I would really like to hear from someone with personal experience with
a builder available on line that would be knowledgeable of solaris and
zfs and the necessary hardware.
> You can spend less with a dedicated predesigned commercial unit...

Can you name a few?

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