On 17/10/2011 18:49, Alan Coopersmith wrote:
Oh, then you probably want to try disabling the new bitmapped console by
changing the console flag in the grub boot options for the kernel to


On 10/17/11 09:44 AM, Bruno Damour wrote:

Thank you for your answer.

If I remember correctly the workaround lies in a parameter in xorg.conf. The liveusb I did try doesn't even boot. It stops with pretty-colored lines all over the screen and dies.
I tried the different boot options (vesa,...) to no avail.
That is why I'm looking to disable framebuffer at boot time (I can see it is frame buffer from the font and look of the first lines (version, etc...) which are printed just before screen corruption occurs


----- Mail Original -----
De: "Alan Coopersmith"<alan.coopersm...@oracle.com>
À: "Bruno Damour"<ll...@ruomad.net>
Cc: opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
Envoyé: Lundi 17 Octobre 2011 18h35:23 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Berne / Rome / Stockholm / Vienne
Objet: Re: [osol-discuss] Intel Kernel Mode-setting (KMS) in snv173

On 10/17/11 08:59 AM, Bruno Damour wrote:

I tried to boot Solaris 11 early adopter on my thinkpad x201 (intel graphics). I get a garbage screen and then it dies. I googled a bit and I suppose this has to do with KMS being introduced (snv151a works perfectly, but with a text boot).
Is there an option to disable it ?

Did you try the workaround listed under "Screen Corruption on Intel Graphics
Devices" in the S11EA release notes?


Thank you, I'll try it asap and report result.
I has tried with console=text but not the correct option as it seems ;-)

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