Hello Niveditha,
Thank you so much for your answer.
I'll experiment along the lines you give and report back later on tonight or tomorrow. I'll try to get access from a ssh console to trace and pstack the Xorg process. I'll sure get you a no Xorg xconf. I should of coure have tried it first, but I had the same problem when booting with the liveUSB so I suspect it will not yield result, maybe the logs...
I will also try to tweak the BIOS

On 21/11/2011 19:11, Niveditha Rau wrote:
HI Bruno,

From the log file, looks like X started ok. Can you do a pstack of the Xorg pid? Also what happens when you don't use a xorg.conf at all? I would like to see that log file as well.

I know there are some lenovo laptops that hang with VT-d enabled. Can you try disabling that in the BIOS, although I suspect that is not the problem you are having.


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