> > On the command line level, you can format
> >it with mkfs -F udfs /dev/rdsk/c?t?d?p0 .
> >See also man mkfs_udfs(1M).
> Thanks. But I've got the following error:
> $ mkfs -F udfs /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0p0
> Vtoc.v_sanity != VTOC_SANE
> udfs usage: mkfs [-F FSType] [-V] [-m] [-o options] special size(sectors)

Hmm, I tried it on a lofi device, and didn't have to
give it the number of sectors on the device.

Try the same mkfs command and add the number of
seconds on the device at the end.  The device size can
be  found in iostat -En output (divide the device size
in bytes by 512).
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