> Could you explain this method to me i short? I think
> i know that i need a com-cable and another machine
> connected to it. but i haven't done this before so i
> need some more explanation.

Yes, you need a second system with a serial port
(e.g. a pc or laptop with a serial port, or an usb-to-serial
device), a null modem serial cable between the two
systems.  and terminal emulation software on 
the second system (e.g. Windows XP "HyperTerminal").
Configure the terminal software for 9600 baud,
8 bit, no parity (9600,8n1).

My theory is that the kernel switches console to
the serial port because it doesn't find a usable
vga video device.

> I've read the thread you've linked. That was the
> thing with the jumpstart-server. :(

Would it be possible to boot some linux livecd on
your HP box and get a "scanpci -v" pci device
listing for the HP box, and post that here?
With such a pci device list we might be able to
make an educated guess which Solaris device
driver breaks the VGA console, and disabling that
one device driver might be a workaround for 
getting the OpenSolaris livecd booted...
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