Trying to get OpenSolaris 134 from genunix onto a pen drive.
Using a copy of the script from Milax I get

paulj at workdellgx620:~/milax$ pfexec ./os_usbcopy.v200 osol-dev-134-x86.usb 
os_usbcopy.v200 v2.0 03.05.2008 - copy OpenSolaris to a USB device
Searching USB devices ...
Found the following USB devices:
0:      /dev/rdsk/c10t0d0p0     7.7 GB  Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 PMAP
Enter the number of your choice: 0

WARNING: All data on your USB storage will be lost.
Are you sure you want to install to
Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 PMAP, 7700 MB at /dev/rdsk/c10t0d0p0 ?(y/n) y
Creating the slice for OpenSolaris ...
Copying the image to the USB device ...
50377+1 records in
50377+1 records out
825389568 bytes (825 MB) copied, 121.678 s, 6.8 MB/s

real    2m1.692s
user    0m0.263s
sys     0m3.205s
mount: /dev/dsk/c10t0d0s0 is already mounted or /tmp/usb.1234 is busy
Adjusting the filesystem on the USB device ...
Size before adjusting: 
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
swap                   1316528        16   1316512   1% /tmp
/dev/dsk/c10t0d0s0 is mounted on /media/DataTraveler 2.0, not /tmp/usb.1234
ERROR: Error resizing the filesystem on the USB device

I can boot from the usb device but it says there are problems and I can log in 
using root & jack as username and password.
My guess is the device is automounting during install as towards the end of the 
install process as a file browser pops up with it, and it looks a fairly 
complete install on the pen drive.
Anyone have any suggestions?

Cheers Paul
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