> E10K   :      requires as I remember it from 10 years ago
>       3 x  32  amps   220 volts    
>    For the money the  Electrical power + the Cooling cost  will amount to  in 
>  a while.
>    You can buy almost  anything else . 
> Also you need    4  by 4  meters   in floor space   and  a  pprreettyy  wide  
> door  
> to get it  inside you building. The unit is like  3 racks  wide. 
> And today there is a  2 rack unit  server , the T5220   that  does the same 
> job 
> as the E10k did  for about  1/40   of the cost. 

I put the first E10K into a major financial and news information provider 
datacenter in London many years back. From a 
sysadmin perspective, it was an interesting challenge. The bedding-in process 
was exhaustive, running bringup on domains 
at a high level for days to thoroughly test the hardware (some initially 
inexplicable problems were highlighted, and 
finally put down to bad CPU's), which was all very beneficial.

I do like a system which gives you _ultimate_ control over the hardware - in 
the case of the E10K via a utility called 
"redx" - "Red Cross" - use it, and you may well need them ;-) which could allow 
you to actually fry bits of hardware. 
Great fun! I know/knew more about redx than any customer should... The author 
was Dan... or Tran... surname escapes me 
:-( If you buy one, type the undocumented command "author" into redx, and you 
will find out.

On a management side, with the E10K there is a SSP - Service Support Processor, 
which for us was a U5 running a 
specialized version of Solaris 8, which through a private LAN can control the 
E10K hardware directly. You could play 
tunes by bringing up and down the speed of the fans :-)

It was a great system (CRAY origin); but now its a dinosaur; and an 
expensive/unecologically-friendly one as everyone 
says. Buy a T2000, sort your storage carefully, install Solaris, and never look 

Regards... Sean.
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