Uwe Dippel wrote:
> 1. the first thing I'd check is the actual size of the slices,
> /dev/dsk/c1d0s4         15G   8.7G   5.9G    60%    /.alt.nv91
> 1.5 also if you burned the dvd yourself, maybe do a checksum on the original 
> image
> Of course I did, and it was correct
> 2. it looks like you had failsafe installed for the new nv91 BE so... not 
> tried this myself
> No, I didn't. I don't know what this is, and didn't do anything but the 
> commands I found in this thread.
> you should be able to "luactivate nv91" and then boot into the failsafe 
> session.
A common mistake is to issue a "reboot" rather than an "init 6", despite
the very clear warning not to.


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